World Bank: Vietnam’s economic growth to reach 5.5% in 2022

The World Bank recently released a forecast that Vietnam’s economy “will accelerate in 2022 with GDP growth forecasted to increase to 5.5% from 2.6% in 2021.” The World Bank’s bulletin on January 27 cited an updated report on Vietnam’s economic…
China and money – bottlenecks of Vietnam’s diplomacy

Achievement intoxication Last year, Vietnam’s state-controlled media had the opportunity to praise all the achievements of Vietnam’s diplomacy. The Vietnamese government and the diplomatic sector are still excited to “show off their merits” when the COVID-19 pandemic broke out and…
Vì sao Trung Quốc xây hàng rào biên giới với Việt Nam?

Link Video: Trung Quốc những năm gần đây tăng cường xây dựng, nối dài hàng rào dọc biên giới phía Nam của nước này, ngăn cách với các nước láng giềng Việt Nam, Myanmar và Lào nhằm “chống Covid-19”.…