Why do most people not dare to believe in Party even if they want to?

Book of faith and love of the people and international friends with the General Secretary

After the Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee issued regulations on “buying information” with a limit of no more than VND10 million/news from people, to serve the work of preventing and combating corruption and negativity, and at the same time promising to ensure confidentiality of information, protect whistleblowers.

Public opinion found that people were very happy to hear about it, because they both had money and contributed to fighting internal invaders. But that happiness did not last long. On social networks, there were many warnings that people should not be foolish enough to believe and then file complaints and denunciations. Sometimes, before anything happens to the accused, the accuser is arrested or has an unusual traffic accident and dies.

People also cited the statement of Mr. Pham Trong Dat – Director of the Anti-Corruption Department, Government Inspectorate, speaking at the Anti-Corruption Conference organized by the Ministry of Justice on March 4, 2016, that, “When we fight against them [corrupt officials, we may die first!” along with the reminder, “good cheese only comes in a mousetrap.” There was even an opinion that said bluntly, “Officials use VND10 million of the people’s tax money to ‘trap  their opponents, that’s too good a deal, the Communists are really smart at the best of the world.”

Such a lengthy list shows that the majority of Vietnamese people, even if they want to believe, do not dare to believe in this Communist Party of Vietnam – a party that specializes in saying one thing and doing another.

On the surface, they mobilize propaganda, call on people to participate in preventing corruption, and act as eyes and ears for the Party in the fight against internal invaders… But behind their backs, they mercilessly destroy those who “dare” denounce and fight corruption.

Not only the lesson of former Police Captain Le Chi Thanh, for denouncing the negative corruption of the Thu Duc Prison Supervisor, or the filming of clips as evidence of corrupt behavior of the traffic police force to denounce report on social networks. As a result, not only being beaten by the police to death, but he was also imprisoned for many years on charges of “Resisting on-duty state officials” and and “Abusing democratic freedom” according to Article 331 of the 2015 Criminal Code.

But the story of Police Captain Le Chi Thanh is too small, compared to the story of Mr. Le Dinh Kinh, former Chairman of Dong Tam commune, My Duc district, Hanoi city, an 84-year-old man, 56 years of the party’s membership.

Because Mr. Kinh was “naive” and believed in the call of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, in the end, the Mobile Police force under the Ministry of Public Security, with hundreds of gunmen, attacked the Hoang village at midnight and shot Mr. Kinh dead in his bedroom.

Although, before his death, Mr. Le Dinh Kinh always made it clear that he was not against the Party, not against the state, only against the corrupt officials, against group interests according to the call of General Secretary Trong.

Yet, the police force decided not to spare him, they killed him with a shot straight to the heart.

Imagine if a state would treat a “veteran” member of its own ruling Party harshly, without the need for a court trial.

Professor Mac Van Trang, who has been in the Party for more than 54 years, decided to leave the Party because of loss of trust. Professor Mac Van Trang once commented that, “Never before have people lost faith in the Communist Party of Vietnam like they do now, especially after the Dong Tam incident, when they killed that old man [Kinh]. People are very angry with this killing.”
So don’t ask why the majority of Vietnamese people don’t believe in the Communist Party of Vietnam.

Yet, the special issue of Quan Doi Nhan Dan newspaper on January 20, 2020, published an article titled “The Party celebrates spring triumph.” In it, General Secretary of the Communist Party and President Nguyen Phu Trong said: “… perhaps there are few nations in the world where, when it comes to the ruling Party, the people have such respect, proud and loving like the Vietnamese people towards the Communist Party of Vietnam.” Mr. Trong also added that, in general, there is no ruling party in the world that is trusted and loved by the people like his Party.

That is the exact words of Mr. Nguyen Phu Trong, declaring a few days after he ordered the police to kill Mr. Le Dinh Kinh, on January 9, 2020.

According to Radio Free Asia, Dr. Nguyen Quang A commented on Mr. Trong’s statement, saying:

I think, wandering around on the buses in Hanoi, or wandering around tea shops, pubs, restaurants, and then perking up your ears to listen, the number of people who hate this regime, hate the Communist Party of Vietnam of Nguyen Phu Trong, must be up to 70% of the population.”

At that time, public opinion agreed that no people would support a “party” that kills their comrades!.

Thoibao.de (Translated)