As administrative fines from traffic violations go to police, party encourage police to intensify checking

Pandering to the police again

Every year, in November, the National Assembly meets to issue a resolution on central budget allocation for the following year. There are sectors where the Party does not increase its budget, but there are also sectors where the Party must increase. Especially the Police and Party apparatuses keep spending higher each year than the previous year.

In November last year, the National Assembly issued Resolution 70/2022/QH15, and approved spending for the Ministry of Public Security a huge amount of VND99.953 trillion, 13.4 times more than the expenditure for the Ministry of Health and 16 times more than the expenditure for the Ministry of Education and Training.

This year, the budget for the Ministry of Public Security will most likely be more than VND100 trillion. And what is worth noting is that the Party is giving the Ministry of Public Security a great favor, that is, this ministry receives 85% of the administrative fines from traffic violations, the remaining 15% is reserved for localities, to spend on other forces.

If the Ministry of Public Security imposes a fine and then assigns it to the Ministry of Finance to collect the money, it will less stimulate the greed of police officers. But when the police receive up to 85% of the fine, there is a very high possibility that traffic-violating people will become a financial business for the police forces.

Although the police forces have long been promoting the slogan “6 things Uncle Ho teaches the People’s Policemen” then organizing to study and follow Ho Chi Minh’s moral example in a costly way, the morality of the policemen is still very bad.

Nowadays, people fear, despise, and hate police officers. The police know that, but they have no intention of improving their image before the people by truly correcting the ethics of police officers. Instead, they stage propaganda plays to promote good behavior of the police, about the fake sense of responsibility of this force.

The Ministry of Public Security has long been a ministry specializing in making money from the people, and what is worth mentioning is that their way of making money is not only irresponsible to the people, but in many cases is also very unethical. People are familiar with the image of traffic police setting up checkpoints to block people to make money. As long as you have money, you can give it away. Even people with all the papers and following the law will be punished if they don’t “give money.” The fact that the Ministry of Public Security stole people’s land around the headquarters at 44 Yet Kieu, Hanoi, to expand this headquarters, shows that the Ministry of Public Security is not only greedy but also very cruel.

Allowing the Ministry of Public Security to impose a fine, and then receive that fine, is a way to allow a Ministry with guns to use its power to make money. This is extremely dangerous, because up to now, and perhaps until the collapse of the Communist Party, no law can control the actions of the police.

There are so many cases of forced confessions that resulted in death of detainees at police stations, but is there any law that properly punishes the police officers who caused the deaths. By placing the police above the law and also allowed to use power to make money, it can be said that people will be robbed even more blatantly and openly by the police.

Mechanistic incentives, budget incentives and priorities in using power to make money. It is unclear what other privileges the Communist Party will give to the Ministry of Public Security? It can be said that the current Communist Party is pampering the Ministry of Public Security like an “addict” from budget to policy, responding more and more every day. So, what can be done to limit the greed of the police?

Take Ho Chi Minh’s morality? Actually, this talisman is no different from a piece of waste paper, because in recent years, the entire Party launched the Campaign to Study and Follow the Moral Example of Ho Chi Minh, but as a result, officials’ ethics only got worse and worse.

The Communist State of Vietnam is a police state. And because the regime relies too much on the guns of the police, it continues to pamper this force day by day. In the future, people will be more and more miserable, and it will be more and more difficult to live with this regime. (Translated)