Regulations on leadership not being greedy for fame: Another “silly” mindset of Minister Pham Thi Thanh Tra?

In the first days of 2024, Minister of Home Affairs Pham Thi Thanh Tra proposed and stipulated standards for leadership and management civil servant positions in the promotion of deputy ministers, general directors, and department directors, etc.

Specifically, candidates must meet the standards of not being greedy for fame, not being ambitious for power, not letting relatives take advantage, etc.

Tuoi Tre newspaper on January 2, 2024 had a news article with the title, “Proposed standards for deputy ministers and department directors: No corruption, bureaucracy, and greed for fame.” The news said that the Ministry of Home Affairs is asking for opinions on the Government’s Draft Decree, stipulating standards for leadership and management civil servant positions in state administrative agencies.

The Draft stipulates general standards regarding politics, ideology, ethics, lifestyle, sense of discipline, qualifications, capacity, reputation, health, age, and work experience of the officers. leadership civil servant positions. Especially emphasize the factors, “No corruption, greed for fame, bureaucracy, opportunism and self-interest..”, as well as no ambition for power. Implement declaration and disclosure of assets, income according to regulations, etc.

The social network Facebook immediately had many comments about the quality of this Draft document. Most people see that this document is completely ostentatious, shouting slogans, showing off words, but the content is extremely cliché. In particular, the standards given are said to be extremely vague and lacking in specificity.

Radio Free Asia (RFA) said that Doctor of Economics Nguyen Huy Vu from Norway commented on the above proposal of the Ministry of Home Affairs, and said:

“A given standard must have clear grounds for approval. Fame is a vague standard. What is called being greedy for fame and what is called not being greedy for fame. It has absolutely no clear scientific basis for approval.”

Economics doctor Nguyen Huy Vu also pointed out the downside of the Draft, which few people pay attention to. That is:

“Such a standard will only create more power for the superiors, especially the organizers, they will rely on these vague standards to extort money or suppress subordinates, while the subordinates do not have any basis for resistance.”

Public opinion also questions why, in the above Draft, regulations are only given for the positions: deputy minister, department director… with regulations on not being corrupt, bureaucratic, or greedy for fame. That, it can be understood in reverse, are that positions above a deputy minister, like Minister Pham Thi Thanh Tra for example, is allowed for “corruption, bureaucracy and impartiality?”

The things just mentioned are completely consistent with the assessment of long-standing public opinion about the level of ability and moral qualities of female Minister of Home Affairs Pham Thi Thanh Tra.

Experts assess that Pham Thi Thanh Tra has weak qualifications and cannot meet the role of Minister of Home Affairs. That is why, the policy decisions or policies of the Ministry of Home Affairs, given by Minister Tra, are always copies of General Secretary Trong’s opinions. The Draft Document mentioned above is an example.

Furthermore, public opinion believes that Pham Thi Thanh Tra is a woman who often uses her beauty to seduce powerful “brothers.” Through that, she earned fame, money and climbed the ranks. What people sarcastically say she is “the committee lover.”

The page “Portrait of Power” once revealed that when she was a teacher at a Junior High School in Co Phuc town, Tran Yen district, Yen Bai province, she caught the eye of To Huy Rua – former Head of the Central Organizing Commission of the ruling party – a particularly important figure in the personnel work of the Communist Party of Vietnam. From then on, she advanced like a rocket. Even the fact that her younger brother – Pham Sy Quy – is a notoriously corrupt and scandalous person, is still safe and has not been disciplined.

It is known that this is not the first time “cadre promotion standards” have been proposed by ministries and branches, but they are all slogans. But, the results have shown that no matter how many regulations and rules are set out to manage the ethics of leaders, officials, and civil servants, they do not achieve the desired results.

Public opinion has questioned whether, in the matter of selecting and appointing leadership personnel, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has always affirmed the motto “Resolutely not to let into the party’s Central Committee officials who show signs of political opportunism, ambition for power, flattery, manipulation, corruption, bureaucracy, localism, personal mobilization, factions, group interests.”

The public asked questions and asked General Secretary Trong to give the people a clear answer as to why Pham Thi Thanh Tra, with her weak qualifications and very questionable moral character, could be promoted in such extreme advancement?./.

Tra My –