As Police chief takes action, State President has to step down. Does Party chief remain unhurt?

In Vietnam, the State President is one of the “four pillars” leading positions of the Communist Party of Vietnam. But since the 12th National Congress in 2016, this position has become a “evil post.”

It started with the late State President Tran Dai Quang suddenly suffering from a “strange” disease that could not be cured, and passed away in September 2018. Then, in October 2018, General Secretary Trong concurrently served as both General Secretary and State President. But his fate could not escape the “curse.”

Trong had a health problem in April 2019, in Kien Giang, the hometown of former Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung.

After the 13th Party National Congress (January 2023), Mr. Nguyen Xuan Phuc became State President and also suffered from the “curse.” In less than 2 years, Phuc was forced to leave his position, citing “political responsibility” due to violations committed by his subordinates in the past.

His successor is Vo Van Thuong – Standing member of the Secretariat.

According to analysts, State President Thuong is a young politician with Communist theories, and has a quite prominent role in Vietnam’s current political scene. In the future, he may go even further. If so, his next position is likely to be that of the party chief.

There have been many optimistic assessments, saying that Thuong is a bright candidate for the position of General Secretary at the 14th National Congress scheduled in January 2026.

However, the “curse” still exists: The President of Vietnam is a “fierce position.”


Voice of America, on March 14, reported, “Vietnam proposed that the King and Queen of the Netherlands postpone their visit because of the ‘internal situation’.” The news said that an international news agency revealed that the visit to Vietnam by the Dutch king and queen was suddenly postponed by Hanoi at the last minute, because of Vietnam’s “internal situation.”

According to this news agency: “The Vietnamese government has requested to postpone the visit of the king and queen because of the internal situation, but did not specify the reason.

According to observers, before, during and after March 14, social networks and Vietnamese Political Forums were heated by rumors that State President Thuong was about to submit his resignation, related to a number of corruption scandals when he was still Secretary of the Quang Ngai provincial Party Committee, in the August 2011-April 2014 period.

Journalist Le Nguyen Huong Tra, aka blogger Co Gai Do Long, a leading figure in the world of Vietnamese “highest leadership” news, on the evening of March 14, posted on her personal Facebook that:

“Quang Ngai Club was once familiar to fans, participating regularly in the national First and Second Division tournaments, but now a star has just filed for retirement.”

According to observers, this status is believed to be a hint that State President Vo Van Thuong has submitted his resignation.


It is known that more than a year ago, on January 13, 2023, Facebooker Le Nguyen Huong Tra was the first person to reveal the news of Phuc’s resignation, 4 days in advance.

According to knowledgeable people, the “Quang Ngai Club” that Facebooker Le Nguyen Huong Tra mentioned is the place where Thuong served as Secretary of the provincial Party Committee for nearly 3 years. Thus, there is a high possibility that Thuong’s resignation is real.

This is related to the information that on March 8, C03 of the Ministry of Public Security arrested Cao Khoa, former Chairman, and Mr. Dang Van Minh, current Chairman of Quang Ngai province, along with charges “violate accounting regulations, causing serious consequences.” These arrests are related to the Phuc Son Group of Nguyen Van Hau, the adopted son of former Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dung.

Notably, Dang Van Minh, before becoming Chairman of Quang Ngai province, was Mr. Thuong’s subordinate when he held the position of Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee of this province.

We would like to remind you that, as recently reported, State President Vo Van Thuong is involved in the arrest of Dang Trung Hoanh – Chief of the District Party Committee Office of Mang Thit district, Vinh Long province.

It is known that Mang Thit district, Vinh Long province, is Thuong’s hometown, and Dang Trung Hoanh was charged with “Abusing influence over people with positions and powers for personal gain.”

Experts say that Hoanh is the right-hand man of Chairman Thuong. Hoanh received VND60 billion from Nguyen Van Hau – Chairman of Phuc Son Group, to build a family temple for Thuong.

Thus, there is a very high possibility that Thuong will be forced to submit his resignation because he is involved in corruption. This is similar to Nguyen Xuan Phuc previously having to “resign from his position” because of his involvement in the Viet A case, and with the “responsibility of the leader.”

If these speculations are correct, then Vo Van Thuong is the person to hold the position of President in shortest period, just over 1 year./.


Tra My –